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Berlioz: La damnation de Faust
24 FLAC Discount Sir Simon Rattle and the London Symphony Orchestra mar...
Berlioz: The Damnation of Faust
24 FLAC Discount Half grand opera, half roof-raising choral- orchestral...

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Only a Singing Bird
Berlioz: Harold en Italie, La mort de Cléopâtre
Composed in 1834 at the suggestion of Paganini and later complet...
Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 1-9
Verdi: Messa da Requiem
Verdi: Requiem
Aside from his operas, Verdi is best known for his extraordinary...
Berlioz: L'enfance du Christ
Described as a 'sacred trilogy', Berlioz's oratorio L'enfance du...
Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 1-9
Beethoven redefined what a symphony could be.
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