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For the fourth instalment of his Schubert+ series, Can Çakmur focuses on the genre of the impromptu, aiming to identify historical predecessors for Schubert’s piano writing as well as gain an insight into the evolution of free-standing poetic keyboard compositions.
Placing Franz Schubert’s famous set of 4 Impromptus, D 899 at the heart of this recording, Çakmur also presents two Impromptus by Jan Václav Voříšek, a composer who was praised by Beethoven and seems to herald Schubert. Four works by Chopin and two by Scriabin complete the programme and bear witness to composers’ fondness for this free form, capable of expressing romantically a moment, a feeling or a mood.
Designed to place Schubert’s major piano works alongside works by other composers, Can Çakmur’s Schubert+ series has so far earned the highest praise:
‘With Can Çakmur you are returned to your first sense of wonder and revelation at discovering Schubert’s genius.’
(International Piano)
‘Çakmur [is] remarkable from start to finish, with irresistible colours, refined nuances and a clear tone.’
‘Çakmur’s phrasing and his use of dynamics and colours are overwhelming.’
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