 | 902383DI 24 FLAC Discount
Harmonia mundi is proud to welcome the excep... |
 | 902730DI 24 FLAC Discount
This album presents two masterful Baroque wo... |
 | PTC5187208D 24 FLAC Discount
 | 902723DI 24 FLAC Discount
It was in Rome, where he resided between 170... |
 | 902317DI This new album rounds off the complete recording of the symphoni... |
 | PTC5187059D The Akademie fur Alte Musik Berlin launches a series of Mozart s... |
 | 902708DI In 1727, having just become a naturalised British subject, Hande... |
 | 90244849DI The least famous of Beethoven’s symphonies? |
 | 90267677DI |
 | 290897778DI |
 | 902342DI A precursor in this field as in so many others, Telemann gave th... |
 | HMNOEL20212DI |
 | 902627DI 24 FLAC Discount
When Mozart took up the popular genre of the... |
 | 902420DI 24 FLAC Discount
From deference to reference Cleverly paired ... |
 | 902072DI2 24 FLAC Discount
Charles de Brosses' Lettres d'Italie (which ... |
 | 902601DI 24 FLAC Discount
The Berlin public of the mid-eighteenth cent... |
 | 902300DI 24 FLAC Discount
It was when the young Haydn was appointed Ka... |
 | 93180507DI Scarlatti's Griselda, premiered in Rome in 1721, received a sing... |
 | 93164950DI Music's first murder The slaying of Abel by his brother Cain was... |
 | 902368DI 24 FLAC Discount
Exquisite dialogue The church cantata very q... |
 | 2261DIDI 24 FLAC Discount
Variety is the spice of life
It has been sa... |
 | 223637DDI |
 | 223637D1DI The two faces of a monument
Bach revised his Johannes-Passion r... |
 | 902216DI Music for a royal excursion. |
 | 1951852DI ‘Not the least ornament and embellishment of this city’: it was ... |
 | 90221415DI Astounding modernityThe 1782 premiere in Vienna of Die Entführun... |
 | 902189DI For her first recital disc on harmonia mundi, Sunhae Im has chos... |
 | 90220001DI Composed at a time when neither oratorio nor opera existed, this... |
 | 1951876DI |
 | 902185DI This disc is an invitation to explore one of the great attractio... |
 | 50154445DI |
 | HM0018D2 |
 | 902172DI In the famous Preface to Alceste (1767), Christoph Willibald Glu... |
 | 90215657DI It has haunted René Jacobs since childhood: first as a boy sopra... |
 | HM0017D2 |
 | 1951996 |
 | 902155DI Now attributed to Pergolesi on the basis of the most recent rese... |
 | 32764032 The fête galante in Watteau (1684-1721) is very much a musical c... |
 | HM0015D2 |
 | HM8658D3 |